ILO-project visited the excellent 3D-printing lab and Smartlabs at the Lapland University of Applied Sciences’ Cosmos campus in Kemi. Lab specialist Mikko Rintala and 3D-printing lab supervisor Antti Niemelä gave us a detailed tour of the lab and equipment, and we discussed how the labs were developed, set up and maintained.
The labs are an excellent resource for teaching the fundamentals of 3D printing technologies, including filament printing, multi-material printing, selective laser sintering, laser cutting and marking, alongside 3D-scanning and model preparation. The labs were also equipped to recycle filament for reuse, which is a great way to eliminate waste and encourage students to consider and reduce environmental impacts.
The purpose of our visit was to learn about the technical demands of the 3D-printing lab, reasons for choosing specific technologies and equipment, and how the resources are used and managed. These details will help us in developing the plans and operating model for the University of Lapland’s new 3D-printing lab.