Innovation in Lapland through Design and Art

Innovation in Lapland through Design and Art (ILO) contains two projects: the ILO development project and the ILO infrastructure project. ILO contributes to the broader Lapland strategy to build smart specialization competences, reinforcing the existing excellence in Arctic design and art. At the heart of the ILO projects is the method through which design and art, as part of Lapland’s capacity for innovation, can be supported by the Faculty of Art and Design, University of Lapland. In particular, the ILO projects develop expertise and working capacity by building the foundations for new businesses and product ideas.
The project will procure and technically build a design and art infrastructure complementing the Arcta infrastructure and operating model of the Faculty of Art and Design at the University of Lapland, expanding it with 1) new technology, 2) virtual technology, 3) cinema, and 4) regional mobility. Workshops and pilots of the development project will translate the results into business cooperation across the region. The result of the development activities will be an operating model that supports incubation and a strengthened networking of Arctic design and art.
Duration of the project: 01.04.2021-30.09.2023