Call for Participation

The workshop ”Interactive Storytelling for Communities, Heritage and Public Engagement” will be organized as part of the NordiCHI 2024 conference on 13th October 2024 in Uppsala.

We invite scholars and practitioners to submit their workshop papers to share their work and current research related to all things with interactive storytelling. Those interested should submit a proposal (max 4 pages excluding references) outlining their interest in the topic and a short author biography (one-half page). The submissions are due 19/08/2024 12/08/2024. Authors should use the ACM master article template in single-column format, the template can be accessed on submission does not need to be anonymized.

Submit your paper here:

Submission topics include but are not limited to;
• Case Studies and Applications
• Methods for Creating Interactive Storytelling
• Community-Based Interactive Storytelling
• Using Interactive Storytelling as a Tool for Inclusive Design Processes
• Interactive Storytelling for Learning and Education
• Interactive Storytelling to Mediate Cultural Heritage
• Ethical Explorations of Interactive Storytelling
• Indigenous Storytelling and AI
• Transformative Roleplaying and Play
• Storytelling for Critical Design, Sustainability and Futuring
• Wellbeing, Health and Social Inclusion through Interactive Storytelling


SIIRI PAANANEN, University of Lapland, Finland
KARIN JOHANSSON, Uppsala University, Sweden
LARS AILO BONGO, UiT The Arctic University of Norway and Sámi University of Applied Sciences, Norway
ELEFTHERIOS PAPACHRISTOS, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
MARI SUOHEIMO, Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Norway
MIKAEL WIBERG, Umeå University, Sweden
JONNA HÄKKILÄ, University of Lapland, Finland

Important Dates

Submission Deadline (extended!)
19.08.2024 (AoE) 12.08.2024 (AoE)

Notification date 30.08.2024 23.08.2024

Workshop date 13.10.2024

For additional information, contact
Siiri Paananen, University of Lapland


Check the Nordichi website for the registration and other instructions;

Accepted submissions

Mari Suoheimo, Julia Wiese, Martine Landmark, Oda Charlotte and Simon David Clatworthy – The Garden of Senses: Service Designing Sensory Experiences for a Public Museum Park
Gabriella Di Feola – Cultural heritage in XR told through design and artistic creation
Hilda Deborah, Eleftherios Papachristos, Zealandia Sarah Nurul Fatma, Nina Christine Eckertz and Jon Yngve Hardeberg – Hyperspectral Image Based Visualisations for Cultural Heritage Applications
Juri Etto, Otso Kokko, Siiri Paananen and Jonna Häkkilä – Tangible UI to a Historical Virtual World for Storytelling on Local Heritage
Kajsa Hartig and Klaus Sommer Paulsen – Kulturarvsresan: A case study on thematic heritage story experiences
Eva Sandgren – Vadstena Abbey – A place for sensorial experiences in an International Cultural Heritage
Paulina Rajkowska – Interactive Storytelling in Cultural Heritage and Digital Cultures
Eleftherios Papachristos, Eike Schneiders and Ole Edward Wattne – Adapting Cultural Heritage Narratives: GPT’s Potential in Tailoring Heritage Content for Diverse Audiences
Dennis Lindt, Heiko Müller and Maria Klara Wolters – Let me Tell You What Is Wrong: Storytelling in Urban Problem Reporting Websites
Ernie Roby-Tomić, Henrik Samuel Valkeapää, Ánde Somby, Bjørn-Richard Pedersen and Lars Ailo Bongo – AI generated tabletop roleplaying game for communal Sámi storytelling
Karin Johansson – Storytelling when Designing for Engagement in Public Enviroments
Ole Edward Wattne and Eleftherios Papachristos – The long and narrow locality: creating local narratives along pilgrim paths
Linnea Öhlund – Delicate stories of abuse for un-sensitive academic writing
Cristina Ghita – Antenarratives of energy communities: envisioning the future of a new actor in the Swedish energy system through storytelling
Siiri Paananen, Jemina Colley, Juri Etto, Linnea Virtanen and Jonna Häkkilä – Perspectives of time – using reflections of history for designing the future in urban planning
Anders Danell and Josefine Danell Karlberg – Interactive storytelling for communities, heritage, and public engagement: The value of interactive mystery games in learning, team building, and wellbeing